Reverse engineering makes the link between phisicals objects digitization and 3D CAD modeling. Usually related to the study of specific modifications requests either on prototypes for design centers or in the industry on existing parts taking into account mechanical wear or potentials non-documented modifications. Very often restricted to experts engineers and costly, numerous reverse engineering solution are not adapted to companies day-to-day.

Since 2009, C4W works on these problematics and has created a unique technology designed for 3D CAD non-expert users.

Based on an automatized recognition texture (plans, cylinders,…) contained in meshes, our reverse engineering solutions allow to create quickly and effortlessly adaptable 3D models compatible with your CAD software.

An easy and automatized technology

Accessible technology for non-expert users

Texture recognition and geometricals patterns identification

Automatized parameters fitting to datas entry

Meshes segmentation, geometricals patterns design, 3D models simplification

APIs available for third party sotware integration

about our reverse engineering technologies (APIs or software)?